Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Its in the story....

The most interesting and fun part of my job as a photographer is pushing the shutter release at the right moment. Sometimes it happens when planed an yet most of the time its a lucky accident. I live for these moments when all the stars come together and the person Im with relaxes, and forgets there is a camera pointed at them in hopes of making them look good. The story begins with a phone call from you wanting a portrait of either yourself or your family. We go through the how much, when and where part. The big day comes and everybody is dressed right and the vibe for photos is in the air. After a few minutes everybody settles into the look this way now smile routine, but as a lifestyle photographer its not my jobs to just get you to smile, its my privilege to tell a story of the person Im photographing. In the first photo its pretty set up and he does not look like he is having a real good time having a old guy telling him what to do and it tells a story about the interaction between him and me. Lets face it Ive not meet a 8 year old boy that ever just sits in a tree and does nothing. So then comes the last moment of the photo shoot and as Im packing up he becomes a 8 year old and starts looking for rocks to skip, being a old guy that acts like a young boy alot of the time I get it quickly and in a few frames we walk away with a image thats tell the true story. Luck accident or not I love my job.