Thursday, October 30, 2008

Changing Lanes

We put together a short video from the shoot with rachel. She was a real trooper as I had her in some clothes and boots thats just nother thing. I really want to thank everyone that helped in this short video. The Motorcyle guy, Chris in all his patients and Lavon who is the all around go getter and my favorite fan. As always no photo shoot is about Gary Thomas Photography. I try to make it about you and the experience that goes along with the shoot. Im just the knucklehead there to push the shutter button and Im really glad that you let me into a small part of your lives.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


We had a really good time on this shoot today. Rachel drove down from tulsa, which I want to thank her for her time and energy. I had her on the road, on the back of a bike, and in a old barn. We really pushed the limits of ourselves on this shoot and came away really tired. I think the hard work was worth it.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


We had a great shoot with chris today. Hes with the High ridaz out of Spokane WA. Ive had this shoot in my head for awhile and think we pulled it off. Remember I am running a Full Throttle Special right now. They make a great Xmas gift for those member of the family or friends that love to ride. The photo shoot comes with a behind the sceens video of the shoot and a video on line so you can share it with all your friends. Check out the video from the shoot below.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Blog

I know a few of you are checking with my sight on a regular basis to see the new sessions. As most of you know I believe the photo is about you and not me as a proffesional, so Ive decided to Blog mine and your progress as we take this trip together. Ive been real busy this week with 6 sessions everything Motorcycle lifestyle images to the smiling faces of the little ones out there.