Friday, December 5, 2008

Almost there!

My favorite person under the age of one is almost one! Cason has been in the world for 11 months and its been a rollar coaster ride for him, hes seen 4 dollar a gallon gas and 1.50 for the go juice, he has see the first black president in the history of our great nation, hes seen great empires of fortune turn to begging in front of congress and country really worried about there lives and families. So on his 11 month birthday we spent a entire 10 mins making him smile or should I say him making us smile of couse unless we took the roll of tape away from him that he decided was his.

Friday, November 28, 2008

50th x 2

We followed up the Party with a portrait shoot today, it was cold, windy, just as november should be in oklahoma. Although the Cecils are heading back to California I wish them the best and enjoyed spending a cold day in november with them.

click on photo for larger version.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

50 Years!!!!

One of the things I love about my craft is when Im ask to be apart of something very special. So Don and Phyllis have been together for 50 years the meet in high school and like he said to me tonight it didnt take much for him to fall for her. Thanks everyone for letting me be apart of this moment.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cold and windy!!

We braved the cold windy weather today to have a session. I had a great time with the Feilds family and his really nice springer.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Father and Son Weekend ride!!!

The weather was nice, with out any wind to speak of. So off we went, It was a great shoot and alot of fun. Really glad to be apart of this shoot. These guys really did a good job and I love there bikes. Check out the video below!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Its in the story....

The most interesting and fun part of my job as a photographer is pushing the shutter release at the right moment. Sometimes it happens when planed an yet most of the time its a lucky accident. I live for these moments when all the stars come together and the person Im with relaxes, and forgets there is a camera pointed at them in hopes of making them look good. The story begins with a phone call from you wanting a portrait of either yourself or your family. We go through the how much, when and where part. The big day comes and everybody is dressed right and the vibe for photos is in the air. After a few minutes everybody settles into the look this way now smile routine, but as a lifestyle photographer its not my jobs to just get you to smile, its my privilege to tell a story of the person Im photographing. In the first photo its pretty set up and he does not look like he is having a real good time having a old guy telling him what to do and it tells a story about the interaction between him and me. Lets face it Ive not meet a 8 year old boy that ever just sits in a tree and does nothing. So then comes the last moment of the photo shoot and as Im packing up he becomes a 8 year old and starts looking for rocks to skip, being a old guy that acts like a young boy alot of the time I get it quickly and in a few frames we walk away with a image thats tell the true story. Luck accident or not I love my job.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Changing Lanes

We put together a short video from the shoot with rachel. She was a real trooper as I had her in some clothes and boots thats just nother thing. I really want to thank everyone that helped in this short video. The Motorcyle guy, Chris in all his patients and Lavon who is the all around go getter and my favorite fan. As always no photo shoot is about Gary Thomas Photography. I try to make it about you and the experience that goes along with the shoot. Im just the knucklehead there to push the shutter button and Im really glad that you let me into a small part of your lives.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


We had a really good time on this shoot today. Rachel drove down from tulsa, which I want to thank her for her time and energy. I had her on the road, on the back of a bike, and in a old barn. We really pushed the limits of ourselves on this shoot and came away really tired. I think the hard work was worth it.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


We had a great shoot with chris today. Hes with the High ridaz out of Spokane WA. Ive had this shoot in my head for awhile and think we pulled it off. Remember I am running a Full Throttle Special right now. They make a great Xmas gift for those member of the family or friends that love to ride. The photo shoot comes with a behind the sceens video of the shoot and a video on line so you can share it with all your friends. Check out the video from the shoot below.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Blog

I know a few of you are checking with my sight on a regular basis to see the new sessions. As most of you know I believe the photo is about you and not me as a proffesional, so Ive decided to Blog mine and your progress as we take this trip together. Ive been real busy this week with 6 sessions everything Motorcycle lifestyle images to the smiling faces of the little ones out there.